About Me
Since I was a child, I remember myself suffering from physical and psychological issues, where I felt stuck and helpless. After studying medicine for three years, I found that this path wasn’t quite what I was looking for. I felt the need to find permanent solutions to my problems and real meaning in my life, and this is when my life took a different turn.
When I first got exposed to Crystal Therapy at the age of 33, I immediately felt a difference and experienced radical and transformative changes. Since then, I started exploring alternative therapy, spirituality, and meditation. I went on a journey of self-healing while seeking the assistance of some amazing Greek Energy healers to whom I'll be eternally grateful. I got fascinated with what holistic healing can do, which lead me to jump-start my training in various therapeutic modalities.
With a desire to explore my inner self and the world further, I went backpacking to East Asia and Australia for 8 months. There, I met with many people from all walks of life, which then allowed me to research and learn about spirituality, religions, and their impact on people's lives.
I had already spent three years working as an Angelic Reiki Healer & Teacher when the refugee crisis came in Greece. I felt the need to help young kids and teenagers with stress, so I first volunteered with an NGO and then decided to do a vocational course in Occupational Therapy. This course was the final brick in my quest to become a real holistic healer (meaning to consider equally the contribution of the body, mind, and soul to people's total health and self-realization).
Everything I do today is connected to my work as a Holistic Healer and Counselor. I find the most fulfillment when I have the chance to make a positive impact on people’s lives. I can help you overcome your emotional, mental, and/or spiritual challenges. I can help set you on the path of forgiveness: for yourself and others. I can be your guide and teach you how to take better care of your physical body, which is the vehicle that allows you to fully enjoy life on this planet. I also empower you to restore and keep your faith in the infinite Power that provides us with all that we need.
Do not hesitate to reach out and chat with me about whatever is bothering you. We will work together to find the best solutions. Whether you feel stuck and don’t know where to start, or you have been on the path of healing for years, I will do all that I can to support you today.
Education and Achievents
* Board-certified in Occupational Therapy Assistance via the National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance in Greece.
* Certified in Mindfulness - Mindful Schools, California.
* Training workshops in Pediatric Ergotherapy - Arthrosis Center, Athens.
* Certified in First Aid for Companion Animals - Korelko Training Organization, Athens.
* Certified in Angelic Reiki Healing and Teaching - Aeithalia Holistic Center, Athens.
* Certified in basic Pranic Healing - The Institute For Inner Studies, Philippines.
* Certified in Reiki Ocuden Practicen - Body And Mind Healing School, Thailand.
* Attended various Coaching and Teaching workshops.
* Appeared in Greek media including the self-organized Ert Open Radio.

My Philosophy
My life's mission is to help realign people with their true inner selves and with the Divine. When we recreate this alignment, we can experience relationships and interact with our environments with harmony and ease.
To experience this alignment, we need to release the limiting beliefs, fears, and traumas that have been accumulated during our life. Then, we can make a new start by making conscious decisions that lead to soul satisfaction.
We finally come to realize that we have never really been disconnected from the Divine Source. On the opposite, we ARE a divine manifestation of it, and we can USE it to heal, evolve and live in bliss and harmony.
* You have the power to remain calm and solid under any circumstance!
* You have the power to accept yourself for who you are!
* You have the power to change and recreate yourself the way you wish.
I can help you do that today.