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Release of Negative Emotions Energies & Entities

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“Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.”

​Mark Twain

Free yourself from whatever Bothers you

Total Healing and Wellness


Holistic health is a combination of different factors: mental and spiritual wellness, emotional stability, physical power and health. Angel Healing can lead to all the above, since Angelic

Energy is of the highest frequency and effectiveness.


This session will clear your etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual fields from any negative emotions, thought forms, astral entities, dark forces and energies of disease (root causes included).


Some of the things that will be released are the following:


✽ Separation thoughts
✽ Criticism
✽ Lack of forgiveness
✽ Impatience
✽ Negative anger
✽ Stress
✽ Anxiety
✽ Frustration
✽ Negative egoism
✽ Narcissism
✽ Jealousy
✽ Envy

✽ Trauma
✽ Other negative thought-forms, feelings, emotions and imbalanced archetypes
✽ Feelings of superiority and inferiority
✽ Guilt
✽ Victimization
✽ Helplessness

✽ Hopelessness
✽ Shame
✽ Addiction

✽ Low self-esteem

✽ Low self-confidence

✽ Low self-love

✽ Heart walls

✽ Lack of creativity

✽ Lack of happiness

✽ Lack of abundance
✽ Other programs of negative ego and fear

✽ Oaths
✽ Negative soul agreements & contracts
✽ Negative connections with people, astral entities, places, situations, and the past
✽ Overtangles
✽ Curses (personal and generational)
✽ Evil eye
✽ Negative elementals
✽ Negative & foreign souls
✽ Unwanted astral entities

✽ Dark practices and magic
✽ Unwanted physical and energy implants

✽ Negative energy seals

✽ Mind control programs

✽ Extra-subconscious mind segments (thoughts that don't belong to you)
✽ Nanobots

✽ Smart dust

✽ Plastic particles

✽ Nanotoxins

✽ Heavy metals

✽ Other harmful substances

✽ Energetic imprint of viruses, negative bacteria, parasites, and fungus (this is not a medical intervention)

✽ Harmful frequencies and radiation

✽ Energy of disease (this is not a medical cure)
✽ Retrieval of parts of the consciousness that may be withdrawn to other dimensions (Soul Retrieval)


At the end of the session, you will be soaked with a down pouring and Divine Light Energy shower of Core Love and Power to replace all that will have been removed and cleansed.

​Feel free to include anything else you want!


Note: This is one of the most complete Angel Healings of our time. It fully respects your free will and will take away only the things you give permission to (unconsciously or consciously). Only what you allow will be released, nothing else. For example, if you don't want to cut the negative energy connections with a person, then they won't be cut off!


How you will be feeling after the session


Your chakras, meridians and the four-body system will come to balance again, making you feel:


✽ Relieved
✽ Calm
✽ Serene
✽ Secure
✽ Clear minded
✽ Inspired
✽ Self confident
✽ Motivated
✽ Empowered
✽ Better connected to the Divine
✽ Physically relaxed
✽ Totally balanced

The more often you repeat this clearing, the more negative things will be released, increasing your sense of wellness.


Contact me

Aegina, GR 18010


Tel: +30-699-43-700-19

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The services listed on this website are not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. For any mental or physical disease, always consult your physician.

No liability will be accepted for any unpleasant feelings or actions you may take.


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