Start New
Make a New beginning in life!
Past decisions and actions can be a heavy weight on our shoulders, causing us unhappiness and inability to make important life changes. The accumulated energy of the thoughts and feelings connected to them can gradually lead to despair, discomfort, and even disease.
Therefore, cutting connections with the past is crucial for our total well-being and advancement in life.
How the session is performed:
The process is facilitated by the Divine Archangels and consists of the following:
Severing of all unnecessary ties with people, places, and situations.
Canceling of agreements and contracts with any astral entities, negative forces and thought-forms.
Deep cleansing of your four-body system (physical/emotional/mental/spiritual). It will remove all the memories of misuse of psychic and healing abilities, and release disharmony, anger, fear, expectation, frustration, worry, lack of communication, and anything else that the Angels know that need be removed.
Infusion with the energies of Grace, Hope, Faith, Peace, Purity, Liberty, Harmony, Victory, and Unconditional Love.
Returning all parts of yourself through all dimensions that may have separated from lack of self-love and trauma (Soul Retrieval).
Realignment of your four-body system to harmonize with upper dimensional energies.
Sealing your energy grids.
This is a beautiful and smooth cleansing that will make you feel relieved and grounded.
Why can't we clear the negative karma ourselves? Why do we require help from the Divine Angelic Beings?
Negative karma gets accumulated in our energy field and causes spiritual blocks, repetitive unwanted patterns, emotional disorders, and disease. There are hundreds of spiritual techniques to eliminate the above, but what is different here is that Karmic energy gets accumulated in the core of our soul, it gets integrated into our essence. And eventually, we become this energy! In other words, karmic energy involves the “center” of our being which is impossible to be cleanses otherwise.
It seems that only the Highest Divine Beings which aren’t ruled by the Law of Karma (mainly the Angels) can have access to that realm. They cleanse the soul so deeply that our life course can change dramatically!
After all, the purpose of karma is to experience the true power that we all have inside, that power that allows us to influence our life and the life of others. The freedom to either align with the Divine or go against it, to either feel at peace and harmony, or to feel continuously frustrated and in agony. This is the power of human free will. Thankfully, we don't need to continue suffering, we can all make a new change in life and feel serene, empowered, loving and loved.
Useful Information to consider:
The Karmic cleansing is done with absolute respect to your Free Will. This means that only what YOU allow will be removed, nothing else! The Angels and all the Divine Light Beings can take away only what we want, they can't go against our own free will! Not even God wants that! If he ever forced you to do something, he would go against his own Self, since you are a reflection of God! And God absolutely loves himself, in the same way he loves you.
What to expect after the session?
The negative karma clearing will benefit you physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. You will feel more energetic, emotionally balanced, and clear-minded. It will help you break free from abusive habits, people, or relationships (once you have already decided to do so) and give you a new start in your life. What people generally describe is a sense of relief and grounding, as if a great weight has been lifted from their shoulders. However, more positive changes in your life will be manifesting gradually in time. Just be mindful and observe them when they appear.
Read the REVIEWS of those who have had the karmic cleansing session.
Should I repeat the clearing again, or one session is enough?
The more often you repeat the session, the more negative karma will be released: old karma that hadn't been removed previously (due to your free will) and new karma that has been created in the meantime. Do not expect miraculous changes with just one session; personal and spiritual growth is a life-long process :) However, keeping your karma as clear as it gets, will accelerate this process and keep you relieved from frustration and suffering. You can repeat once a month or every three months, just follow your inner guidance.