Healing of the Mind and Spirit
You deserve the Best!
— Are you trapped in a maze?
— Do you feel unable to start a new project?
— Are you having problems with romantic love and work?
— Have you been sleeping bad since a long time?
This is not your fault! The unconscious negative programming that blocks you from achieving what you mostly want in life, is hidden deep in your unconscious mind: the unknown part of yourself. Various spiritual programs and limiting beliefs run in the “hard disk” of your unconscious mind, blocking your emotional, mental and physical well-being, and sabotaging your whole life! They work on a silent mode, therefore it's difficult to be aware of them since we don't even suspect their existence!
However, there's no need to experience frustration and disappointment anymore. All these programs and energies can be removed with the help of a modern Quantum Energy Healing technique which is in tune with the Divine.
How The Clearing is Performed:
I use a pendulum and a set of special charts to scan for spiritual, mental and emotional blocks. For example: stress, anxiety, fear, confusion, over-tangles, secret oaths, negative contracts/agreements, blocks to creativity, abundance, love, heart walls etc.
Then, I apply quantum energy that not only erases these blocks, but also the memory of them! It's like deleting the traces of the deleted files left in the hard disk of a computer. This way, we can be sure that they are gone for good and won't be re-created due to cell memory and negative habits.
Feel free to add any specific things you want to be included in the session.
The Session Includes:
➤ 1. Deep scanning and clearing of spiritual blocks: Stress - anxiety - trauma - missing soul parts - ptsd - adhd - panic - confusion - compulsions - negative thinking - soul agreements & contracts - heartwalls - vows - limiting beliefs - imbalanced archetypes and much more…
➤ 2. Detailed report on what was found and removed.
➤ 3. Holistic consultation: which life areas to focus on, How to increase well-being, further therapeutic approaches (if needed).
How You Will be Feeling After the Session:
The positive results of this healing will affect all areas of your life. You will feel empowered, relaxed, less worried and more optimistic. You will have a clear mind and feel emotionally stable. Old patterns will start fading away, and new, positive things will be occurring. Some people report that they see things in life, finally falling together after a long time!
It can take a few minutes to a couple of days to experience the positive effects of this healing. Just be mindful and observe any changes — even subtle ones — in yourself and in your life.
You can read some REVIEWS here: